This is an interview with biomedical illustrator, Harvard professor, business entrepreneur, and molecular visualizer Dr. Gaël McGill. In this episode we talk about Gaël’s early experiences with making art and how he transitioned into biomedical communications work. We talk about his company Digizyme and the client work he’s done, as well as his online learning platform Clarafi, and the development of the Molecular Maya toolkit.
Show notes
▪ Digizyme
▪ Clarafi
▪ Molecular Maya + mMaya Toolkits
▪ Chimera
▪ PyMol
▪ VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics)
▪ ePMV
▪ Cell Signaling Technologies Molecular Landscape by Digizyme
▪ E. O. Wilson’s Life on Earth Apple eBook series
▪ Visabli
▪ The Machinery of Life book by David Goodsell

Cool idea for a podcast. Drop me a line if you are ever considering a show about VR for surgical demos and training. I'd be happy to discuss.